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Travel for the Soul

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When getting out of town is the best medicine

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we are just stuck. Stuck in the same everyday routine, stuck in an unsure relationship, stuck with the idea of not knowing where we want to be and go, and stuck left wanting something more out of our daily lives. Maybe its adventure we seek, change, direction, or even a love story.

Whether it is any of these things listed above, I know that most of you can agree with me when I say we sometimes want more.

I cannot tell you how many times I have talked to people including my best friends, clients, and strangers who feel they are missing something.

Often they don’t even know what it is they are searching for; they just have a feeling of being unfulfilled. My advice to them is always traveling!

Travel allows you to open your eyes to things you could never see before. When you are living your day-to-day life, you lose sight of things, but once you step out of that routine you’re able to find some clarity. Suddenly you are vigilant, fresh and have a new lease on life.

Travel for the soul in action

I can speak firsthand of the “travel cure.” Back in 2009 on my trip to Greece,

I was sitting on top of a cliff on the island of Santorini watching the most picturesque sunset one could imagine. While taking it all in, something inside of me shifted. I don’t know exactly what it was but I somehow felt happier and in sum, I knew that there was so much more to life, and so many more places that needed to be discovered. I was forever changed.

Earlier this year I was a lost soul, loving life but unsure about what I wanted to do professionally and where I wanted to live. Not to mention I was also regretting my decision to return from an amazing planned year abroad in Australia for a romance back home.

Unfortunately, that “fairytale” did not make the books. I knew I had to get away, so in February I was off for a three-month journey throughout Southeast Asia and back to where my heart belongs, Australia.

Being away from my everyday life offered me a sense of euphoria and a sense of direction, which is a bit bizarre considering we were traveling about in an unknown country. There is something in those moments when you meet amazing people, see unknown mythical places you only read about, and share some unforgettable romances that help you take a journey into yourself.

Travel is the best un-prescribed medication there is. We are all so busy with work, family, and other things that we sometimes forget to stop and see what it is we truly want. So take some time for you. Go without familiars and be open to the world that awaits you.

*Photos by and property of the author, used with permission

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1 thought on “Travel for the Soul”

  1. I couldn’t agree more. Jumping into the unknown and experiencing new things provides a angle on life that creates a wider world view and keeps us close to what is most important in life.

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