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Cooking Around the World: Aromatic Singapore Curry Laksa

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If you like to travel around Asia then you will probably be familiar with some of best dishes on offer. A dish that has proved popular across the board, and particularly in Singapore is mouthwatering Laksa. Laksa is a tantalising spicy noodle dish that is a favourite with the locals in Singapore. It is served as a soup with thick noodles buried into a tasty blend of curry and coconut flavours.

You can try this local delight in most restaurants, but some of the best Laksa’s are those that are served up at the street stalls. Laksa really appeals to the senses, as the combination of Chinese and Malay tastes produce a heavenly aroma. It is typically served with chicken or fish balls, prawns and tofu. Laksa is an iconic street food dish served throughout Singapore.

There are lots of different types of Laksa, but the main two variations are the curry Laksa which is made with coconut milk and the Asam Laksa which has a sour taste and contains tamarin. The noodles used for a Laksa dish are usually very thick and made from rice, although some countries use slightly different variations.

Singapore has an ‘eat out’ culture. The locals don’t really spend much time in the kitchen and tend to grab some food after work at common eating areas called ‘hawker centres’ or the more recent developments of food courts in most of the huge shopping centres in the city state.

There are about 50 hawker centres in Singapore. Here visitors can enjoy lots of dishes that are typical to Singapore, such as Laksa, chicken rice and satay dishes.

Dishes here are also influenced by the cultures that reside in Singapore such as Chinese, Indian and Malay. If you want to taste a fantastic Laksa then head to Roxy Laksa at the East Coast Food centre (hawker side). It’s the perfect end to a cycle on the east coast and is best washed down with fresh young coconut.

There are lots of different ways to make a Laksa at home and many optional ingredients. Here are the basics you need to make the basic dish.

Basic Recipe for Aromatic Singapore Curry Laksa


  • Laksa noodles
  • Prawns
  • 2 stalks of lemon grass
  • Ginger
  • 10 shallots
  • Chopped garlic, season to taste.
  • Chopped chillies, season to taste.
  • Dried shrimp
  • 2 tablespoons of curry powder
  • 1 tablespoon of coriander
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • Chicken stock
  • 2 cans of coconut milk
  • Fried tofu squares
  • Bean sprouts
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, cut in half
  • 2 Limes

To make the Laksa blend the spices until they create a fragrant aroma. Add hot water and stir in coconut milk and chicken stock on a low heat, simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the final ingredients, bean sprouts, prawns, shrimp and chicken.

Like curry? You might also enjoy Goan Prawn Curry

Photo credit: kodomut


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3 thoughts on “Cooking Around the World: Aromatic Singapore Curry Laksa”

  1. I am so excited about this recipe!! I’ve been craving noodle dishes lately, but don’t have much experience cooking Asian food. You’ve made my day. 🙂

  2. Singapore’s food is amazing and so cheap too – one of the many benefits of hawker culture. I remember buying stacks of satay skewers and fresh coconut juice for a measly amount of money 🙂

  3. Personally, I prefer the assam laksa version which is sourish =)
    But I do agree, that it is easy to find cheap food in Singapore compared to other developed cities…as long as you are willing to try hawker food!

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