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Cabin Fever? Virtual Adventures You Can Enjoy From the Safety of Your Living Room

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With most of the world on lockdown to avoid the spread of coronavirus, travel has essentially come to a grinding halt.  But that doesn’t mean those of us with a serious case of wanderlust need to stop exploring the world. Thanks to modern technology, there are still plenty of places to roam the globe from the safety and comfort of your own home.  And you’ll most likely get some inspiration for your next adventure so you are ready to book when it’s safe to travel again.

While in self-quarantine, beat boredom with these inspiring virtual tours that can transform your time on the sofa and inspire you to book your next adventure.  It might be the next best thing to the rush of actually exploring a new and unknown destination.

Virtual Adventures

Museum Tours

British Museum in London
British Museum in London (Image: Pixabay)

If you are an art lover, there are plenty of museums to explore from home.  In fact, Google has over 2500 museums and galleries available on virtual tours.  Take yourself to some of the most famous museums in the world like the British Museum in London, The Guggenheim in New York, The Louvre in Paris, or the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, all without the summer crowds.


Street Art

Street art in New York City
Street art in New York City (Image: Elvert Barnes)

If you prefer to soak up art while strolling around a city, rather than a museum, take a virtual tour of some great cities and their street art projects.

Check out the stories behind the art with audio tours of New York City and Buenos Aires.


National Parks

Holgate Glacier, Kenai Fjords National Park
Holgate Glacier, Kenai Fjords National Park (Image: National Park Service, Alaska Region)

If you are missing outdoor adventures, Google has also partnered with five national parks in the U.S. so you can bring the jaw-dropping beauty of these diverse parks into your home.  From the volcanoes of Hawaii to the Fjords of Alaska and points in between, let these amazing virtual tours transport you during your quarantine period.


The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

If diving or snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef is on your bucket list, take this virtual tour with British historian Sir David Attenborough as he navigates a journey through the reef where you can see amazing views of the 1,500 species of fish and coral found in the reef.  The tour also includes a map to track how many of the Reef’s 2,300 kilometers (1400 miles) you’ve travelled. 



Elephants of Kruger National Park
Elephants of Kruger National Park (Image: Leanne67)

Travel to South Africa and track the Big Five game animals (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and Cape Buffalo) on live webcams from famous game parks.  The best time to view wildlife is sunrise and sunset (South African time).


Trek Some Ruins

Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu (Image: LoggaWiggler)

Visit Machu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World.  Machu Picchu is one of the world’s most famous ruins, situated high in the slopes of the Andes at 7,000 feet above sea level.  These Incan ruins continue to amaze and inspire visitors that flock to this spot every year, making it the most visited tourist destination in Peru.  Take an amazing tour without the tourists.


City Sights

Take a stroll down New York’s High Line – a 1.5-mile elevated park, greenway and rail trail that was created on a former New York railroad yard on the west side of Manhattan. It’s a popular tourist attraction that you can enjoy without the crowds.

Take a virtual tour through Rome, the eternal City, one of the most historically rich cities in the world. Visit famous sites including St Peters, the Colosseum and Spanish stepson this guided tour.

In London, you can roam the many attractions including Big Ben, the Tower of London, and Buckingham Palace.

Visit the Eiffel tower, one of the world’s most visited monuments on an interactive tour.

While a virtual tour isn’t going to replace the joy and adventure of traveling, it can help inspire us for our next adventure while we are safely staying home.


Featured Image by Pexels


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About the author

Mae has travelled to over 40 countries and lived in 8. Born in St. Petersburg, Mae grew up in Lithuania and has spent most of her adult life in the UK. She has been blogging for over 8 years and is the lead editor on Travel Belles.

3 thoughts on “Cabin Fever? Virtual Adventures You Can Enjoy From the Safety of Your Living Room”

  1. A lot has changed in the past few days and a lot of change is awaited in the future. Travel is one of the most affected shall be the most transformed arena of the post-COVID-19 aftereffect. The experience and look and feel will be different but for sure will be for the betterment. While the future of travel remains unclear, we need to be ahead of the curve and re-visualise what would it be like once travel resunes.

  2. OMG cabin fever is not only how I feel but it’s actually become a thing for me this year because all of our trips have been in cabins! We had to adjust tons of international plans and adapt so we literally spent many weeks in cabins across the US 🙂
    I love the videos…. great way to keep people wanderlusting.. which when we can all hit the airwaves again we will appreciate even more:)

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