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How to Take the Best Travel Photos with Drones

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Travelling with your drone is one of the latest trends in the travel community, and with the US Federal Aviation Administration predicting around one million drones will be sold over the Christmas period this year, travel photos taken by drones are sure to increase too.

Getting the right height, right angle and right landscape is not easy, though, so our guide on how to take the best travel photos with drones will help you get those all-important shots just right.

1. Pick the right drone

It’s very important you pick the right drone for you and your needs when it comes to taking your travel photos with these nifty pieces of technology.

Reputable names for photography drones are your best bet with the DJI Mavic Pro being a great choice for a travel photography drone. It’s compact, affordable and has a range of 4.3 miles, which is fantastic for travelling around the world.

The X-Star Premium Drone is particularly suitable for first-time drone users. It works in all kinds of conditions, including harsh weather climates; is splash-proof and shock absorbent; and comes with a 64GB SD card which can record up to two hours of 4K video footage.

Alternatively, you could look into making your own drone. It’s a challenge, but it will allow you to get the best travel photos made by your own fair hand.

2. Practice makes perfect

A cliché though it may be, practice really does make perfect when it comes to taking the best travel photos with drones. Flying a drone is not easy, never mind when you’re trying to get a good photo for your Instagram and travel blog.

You should trial flying your drone before you head off travelling in an empty field. Drones can turn upside down and go out of view if you’re in a busy place, so you should make sure you can see it at all times when you first practice using it.

Our top tip for practicing taking the best travel photos with drones is to trial it in all weather conditions. Getting to know how your drone functions in glorious sunshine versus cold, windy conditions is vital when travelling, so make sure to test it out.

3. Get the right angle

Sometimes drone photography isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and you can begin to wonder why you even bought one when your photos aren’t satisfying. First-timers often find that photos look as though they’ve been taken on the ground, so it’s important to control your camera properly and get the right angle.

If you’re taking a photo of yourself or you and your friends somewhere special, like a beach perhaps, send your drone right above you and point the camera directly down at you. Look up and smile among the excellent scenery.

For landscapes, you should play around with the angle of your photo, perhaps going just above your subject and pointing at it, rather than directly above it. Have fun with getting the right angle – it’s worth it.

4. Keep an eye on your battery

Drones often have great battery life, but you should still keep a close eye on your battery. While drones have designated emergency landing points, you should be aware of the fact that when most drones’ battery dies, they won’t land on the point. Instead, they’ll simply fall to the ground, regardless of whether they’re over water or not.

Ensure the death of your drone’s battery doesn’t mean the death of your drone all together. Be aware and alert about where you’re flying with your drone and how long you expect it to last for.

5. Remember to respect everyone around you

When flying your drone, you should be aware that there are other people around you. It’s important to be respectful of them and their privacy by not flying over their private property and recording photos or videos of it.

To get the best travel photos, you could even try and involve those around you in your drone photography. After all, when travelling, most people are interested in drones and what you’re doing with yours than being angry at it. So see who’s interested and if they’d like to take part. Travel is about making memories, after all.

Happy flying!


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About the author

Mae has travelled to over 40 countries and lived in 8. Born in St. Petersburg, Mae grew up in Lithuania and has spent most of her adult life in the UK. She has been blogging for over 8 years and is the lead editor on Travel Belles.

1 thought on “How to Take the Best Travel Photos with Drones”

  1. Mae, Thanks for the confirmation and instruction on drones for blogging. I too have an X-Star and love it. However, I have not used it as often as I should have. Sounds like I should. – Jim

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